Transit Agencies Triennial Review Information

The region’s public transit agencies are required to receive a triennial review by the Federal Transit Administration to maintain their eligibility to receive federal transit funds. Information prepared by the Regional Council—for the planning and programming processes it maintains—is available to the transit agencies to assist with their triennial review preparation.

PSRC maintains memoranda of understanding (MOUs) for planning coordination and cooperation with the region’s transit agencies and WSDOT. These MOUs provide a framework for cooperative transportation planning, avoid duplication of effort, and optimize public transportation planning and investments in support of local, countywide, and multicounty growth management policies and objectives in the central Puget Sound region.

In addition to such cooperation and coordination being in the public interest, the MOUs also satisfy federal regulations requiring such an agreement between PSRC, in its role as the designated metropolitan planning organization, and the local public transit agencies and Sound Transit (as local and regional public transit agency) as well as with WSDOT to specify cooperative procedures for conducting transportation planning (including corridor and subarea studies) and programming.

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