Housing (news)

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Early findings from the Regional Housing Needs Assessment will be presented at the Growth Management Policy Board meeting on October 15. The assessment looks at the gaps between housing needs and supply now and into the future. The findings will inform development of the…
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PSRC is hosting a virtual session to share early findings from the Regional Housing Needs Assessment. This interactive event will include an overview of the data and small-group breakout discussions to focus on the key findings and data needed to support development of the…
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PSRC has developed an interactive report that shows housing displacement risk for neighborhoods around the region. People experience displacement when housing or neighborhood conditions force them to move. Skyrocketing housing costs and a growing population have contributed to…
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A quarter of the households who moved within the region in the last five years relocated because of factors like the cost of housing, lower income, loss of community, or being forced to move. Housing cost was by far the main reason. That’s no surprise to anyone who’s skimmed…
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On July 16, the Growth Management Policy Board will be briefed on housing efforts underway at PSRC and around the region. Housing access and affordability are key policy areas in VISION 2050, the region’s long-range plan for growth. An early action item in the draft plan is to…
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More than 3,000 households in King, Pierce, Snohomish, and Kitsap counties took part in the 2019 PSRC Household Travel Survey. One of the questions asked on the survey was why people moved from their previous homes. About a quarter of households that moved in the past five…
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Almost half of Puget Sound residents (46%) surveyed in May said someone in their household had lost job income since COVID-19. But the picture is less bleak here than in other places. In Los Angeles and adjacent Riverside MSAs, 60% or more of households reported wage losses…
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The Washington State Department of Commerce is providing $30 million in grant funding to counties to create housing necessary for quarantine, isolation, and additional sanitation to address the COVID-19 pandemic. Each county will receive a minimum of $250,000, with the rest…
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Local governments in the region are doing more than ever to promote housing development, according to a recent PSRC survey. Housing affordability and access continue to be major challenges in central Puget Sound communities. For many households, housing costs are a greater…
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THIS MEETING HAS BEEN CANCELED    Housing is an urgent challenge in the region as home prices and rents have skyrocketed in recent years. On March 5, the Growth Management Policy Board will begin work on a Regional Housing Strategy that aims to ensure that all people in the…