Assessing housing needs and supply in the region

Early findings from the Regional Housing Needs Assessment will be presented at the Growth Management Policy Board meeting on October 15.

The assessment looks at the gaps between housing needs and supply now and into the future. The findings will inform development of the Regional Housing Strategy.

The needs assessment analyzes conditions, trends and gaps in the region’s housing stock and demonstrates how local and subregional housing need and supply fit into the regional picture.

Other items on the agenda:

  • Appointment of Renton Councilmember Ed Prince as Vice Chair of the Growth Management Policy Board
  • Discussion of upcoming work to update the Plan Review Manual, which supports work by counties and cities to update comprehensive plans and countywide planning policies
  • A recommendation to extend the deadline to consider Kirkland’s center designation application

View the full agenda here

The meeting will be held remotely on October 15, 10 a.m.-12 p.m., through Zoom Audio/Video Conferencing. In accordance with the Governor's proclamations 20-25.7 and 20-28.11, the PSRC's offices are closed to the public and no in-person meetings are permitted.

The public is encouraged to follow the meeting via live stream:

PSRC encourages public comments. To provide a comment to the Growth Management Policy Board, please email up to one hour before the meeting and comments will be provided to board members electronically during the meeting. Comments received after that deadline will be provided to board members after the meeting.