On July 16, the Growth Management Policy Board will be briefed on housing efforts underway at PSRC and around the region.
Housing access and affordability are key policy areas in VISION 2050, the region’s long-range plan for growth. An early action item in the draft plan is to develop a regional housing strategy, including a regional housing needs assessment.
The board meeting will also include a panel discussion with outside speakers leading collaborative housing programs at the local, regional and state levels, including HB 1923 Urban Residential Building Capacity Grant Program, the Snohomish County Housing Affordability Regional Taskforce (HART), and the King County Affordable Housing Committee.
Other items on the board’s agenda include:
- An update on implementation of the Regional Centers Framework
- Recommendation on Buckley’s comprehensive plan update
Note: This meeting is online only in keeping with Governor Inslee’s proclamations 20-25.6 and 20-28.7. PSRC’s offices are closed to the public.
You can follow the meeting via live stream at https://www.psrc.org/boards/watch-meetings or listen by phone at 1-866-226-4650, Meeting ID: 916 462 111. View the full agenda for more information on the meeting and how to provide public comment via email.