Household Travel Survey Program

The regional travel survey collects day-to-day information from households in the central Puget Sound region: how we travel, where we go, how long it takes us - even where we choose to live and whether we get home deliveries.

The surveys help the Puget Sound Regional Council and communities throughout the region plan for transportation improvements, new housing, and job growth. For example, what role can transit, biking and walking play in improving regional mobility? Having a complete picture of activity and travel patterns helps produce better plans for the future.

The latest available 2023 survey is part of an eight-year program with four waves. Waves are conducted every two years. The next wave of the travel survey program will be conducted in spring 2025.

Data from the four most recent household travel surveys (2017-2019-2021-2023) are available for download in PSRC's Data Portal.

Explore the Survey

Learn more about the survey with the Introduction to Household Travel Survey Guide (PDF).

Earlier Travel Surveys

PSRC has been conducting travel surveys for decades. Please contact Brian Lee for 
information about the following surveys:

  • 1989-2002 Transportation Panel Survey
  • 1999 Travel Survey
  • 2006 Travel Survey