Improve Access & Affordability

Map of the central Puget Sound region highlighting communities that are considered to have lower access to opportunity and higher displacement risk.
Map of the central Puget Sound region highlighting communities that are considered to have lower access to opportunity and higher displacement risk. Download map.

Tools and actions for communities identified as Improve Access & Affordability are focused on increasing housing opportunity while preserving affordability, and providing support to current residents.

These communities are considered to have lower access to opportunity and higher displacement risk.

Shared Characteristics

Communities have good transit access now and more in the future. They are seeing growth, often due to high-capacity transit (HCT). They do not currently have all the services and amenities found elsewhere in the region. Most residents are renters in multi-family (MF) buildings.

Tools and Actions

Tools and actions are categorized by the three S's of the Regional Housing Strategy - Supply, Stability, and Subsidy.





Other Tools