Tools and actions for communities identified as Strengthen Access & Affordability are focused on leveraging market demand and growth capacity to provide more housing and require long-term housing affordability to promote neighborhood stability. Many of these communities are located in jurisdictions planning for significant amounts of housing growth.
These communities are considered to have higher access to opportunity and higher displacement risk.
Shared Characteristics
Communities offer significant transit access with more in the future. They have a strong housing market and high capacity for growth. Rents in these communities are increasing faster than the regional average.
Tools and Actions
Tools and actions are categorized by the three S's of the Regional Housing Strategy - Supply, Stability, and Subsidy.
- Create a TOD Overlay (PDF)
- Minimum Densities (PDF)
- No Minimum Parking Requirements (PDF)
- SEPA Planned Action EIS (PDF)
- Upzones and Rezones (PDF)
- Affordability Covenants (PDF)
- Cap Move In/Late Fees (PDF)
- Establish a Community Preference Program (PDF)
- Incentive Zoning (PDF)
- Inclusionary Zoning (PDF)
- Public Land for Affordable Housing (PDF)
- Relocation Assistance (PDF)
- Commercial Linkage Fees (PDF)
- Inclusionary Zoning In-Lieu of Fee (PDF)
- Notice of Rent Increases (PDF)
- Use Local Revenue Tools (PDF)