Trails, parks, forests, farms and many other kinds of open space make the Puget Sound region a special place to live. PSRC works with counties, cities, Tribes, resource agencies, nonprofit organizations, and other partners to protect and enhance open space throughout the region.
The Building Green Cities guide includes a series of tools, including Best Management Practice factsheets, information about incentive programs, and other resources. Techniques like using porous concrete or installing planter boxes can help filter and clean stormwater that runs off roads and rooftops, improving the health of Puget Sound and the region’s many rivers, lakes and streams.
This is a critical time in the recovery of Puget Sound’s health. VISION 2050 supports the work of local jurisdictions and the Puget Sound Partnership to promote a coordinated approach to watershed planning and restoring the health of Puget Sound.
The displacement risk mapping tool and interactive report identifies areas where residents and businesses are at greater risk of displacement.