Puget Sound Recovery

Puget Sound is beautiful from a distance, but struggling orca and salmon populations reveal the sound’s declining health. Stormwater pollution and changes in the hydrology of runoff patterns are among the biggest threats to Puget Sound water quality. Water running off surfaces picks up pollution from vehicle oil drips and tire dust, pesticides, and pet waste and deposits it into nearby waterbodies.

This is a critical time in the recovery of Puget Sound’s health. VISION 2050 supports the work of local jurisdictions and the Puget Sound Partnership to promote a coordinated approach to watershed planning and restoring the health of Puget Sound.

Integrating Stormwater Solutions into Comprehensive Plans

Jurisdictions can incorporate strategies into their comprehensive plans to help support Puget Sound recovery. PSRC’s guidance on integrating stormwater solutions into comprehensive plans includes practical information for updating comprehensive plans, including model policies, project examples, and resources.


Stormwater Parks

Stormwater parks are an important Puget Sound recovery, health, and equity strategy because they can provide stormwater management, recreation, and other community benefits. Learn about Stormwater Parks.

Take action to restore and protect Puget Sound