Heritage Month (news)

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Latest census provides snapshot of change from 2010 to 2020. PSRC is celebrating American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month by exploring Census data about the region’s residents who have American Indian and Alaska Native heritage. About 3% of residents in the four-county…
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Many now consider themselves of two or more races. In recent weeks, PSRC has explored data on the growth of the Hispanic and Latinx population and some details of their demographics. The share of people who call themselves Hispanic/Latinx in the four-county region has increased…
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Data shows residents come from diverse backgrounds across the globe. About one in 10 of the region’s four million residents identify as Hispanic or Latinx. PSRC recently explored how this population has grown in King, Kitsap, Pierce and Snohomish counties. In this post, we…
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New census data sheds light on this population’s growth. September 15 to October 15 is National Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Month. This year, with brand new census data available, PSRC takes a fresh look at what the numbers tell us about people in the region who identify as…
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Same-sex couples make up 2% of all couples living together in the region. At midnight on December 9, 2012, couples lined up in courthouses in King, Kitsap, Pierce, and Snohomish counties to be among the first same-sex partners in Washington to get married. Nearly a decade…
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Data shows residents come from diverse backgrounds across the globe People with Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) heritage represent diverse cultures spanning the globe from Pakistan to the islands of Polynesia. Over half a million of the region’s four million plus…
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To celebrate Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, PSRC staff dove into American Community Survey data about people with Asian and Pacific Islander ancestry. Over the last decade, the Asian population grew nearly twice as fast in this region as it did in the U.S.…