Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and Traffic Operations

What is ITS?

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) are technology-based tools that facilitate smoother traffic operations and enhance the safety, efficiency, and dependability of the transportation system. Examples of ITS tools implemented in the region include signal coordination, transit signal priority, ramp metering, emergency vehicle preemption, and dynamic messaging signs. 

ITS Planning at PSRC

PSRC maintains a regional traffic signal/ITS inventory, which includes the signalized intersections along the National Highway System in the region and the ITS tools deployed at each of those intersections. In addition, PSRC maintains the Regional ITS Architecture, which highlights existing and planned ITS systems in the region. PSRC also incorporates ITS, emerging transportation technologies and other traffic operation investments into regional planning efforts such as the Regional Transportation Plan. 

How can I engage in regional ITS/Traffic Operations work?

PSRC is tailoring engagement around the work program with ad-hoc meetings, events and other communications. For more information on these changes and the work planned for 2024, please review the ITS/Traffic Operations Work Program and Engagement document. 

2024 Work Program and Engagement document

PSRC will be hosting a meeting for all ITS stakeholders in the region on Thursday, January 30 from 10 am - 12 pm. At this meeting attendees will: 

  • Review and ground-truth the results and analysis of the recently completed ITS inventory update
  • Discuss regional and national ITS and traffic operations-related trends over the last four years
  • Review and provide feedback on the draft approach for ITS/Traffic Control Maintenance & Preservation estimates, as part of the Regional Transportation Plan Financial Strategy.


This meeting will be online/call-in only. Please register in advance of the meeting to receive the Zoom connection information and an Outlook calendar hold. 

Register for January 30 Regional ITS Meeting 

Have a new ITS Project?

Please fill out the ITS Submission Form for New or Modified Systems.