Transit access refers to the ability of people to easily get to and use public transportation. Making sure that as many people as possible can easily get to and use transit will be fundamental to the success of the policy and planning decisions and major capital and operational investments in transit that the central Puget Sound region has made and will continue to make over the coming years.
The Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) calls for developing and updating tools and resources to help identify where access to transit can be improved, particularly for bicyclists and pedestrians. Since RTP adoption in 2022, PSRC staff have engaged stakeholders to develop a work plan to address this call to action. As an initial task, PSRC is assessing transit access in a holistic manner, including recruitment of a Transit Access Working Group that represents various transit access perspectives throughout the region to help inform staff’s work. PSRC has been convening the group to review past transit access materials in conjunction with updated data to identify potential improvements to transit access assessments and next steps.
Related Meeting Materials
PSRC’s existing transit access work products build on efforts from around the region to identify priorities for implementing transit access improvements. In early 2016, PSRC released a Transit Access Assessment, which identifies 15 findings about transit access in the region The Transit Access Assessment also called for PSRC to create products that give all regional stakeholders the ability to assess transit access conditions and help to apply tools and strategies to improve access based on existing and anticipated needs throughout the region. These work products, listed below, are the subject of the Transit Access Working Group’s work through 2023.