Sidewalk completeness on arterials can help describe the availability of pedestrian infrastructure on major travel corridors in the region. Differences between communities can highlight disparities in access to safe infrastructure.
For this indicator, using PSRC's pedestrian facility data, sidewalk completeness is measured as the percent of partial or complete sidewalks along the total length of arterial segments within a given census tract.
Historical data is not available for this indicator.
Go to: Sidewalk Completeness Map | Sidewalk Completeness Now
Sidewalk Completeness Map
   Percent of arterial road segments with partial or complete sidewalks
Source(s): Puget Sound Regional Council, Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities, 2022; U.S. Census Bureau, Geography Division 2020 TIGER/Line Shapefiles
Insights & Analysis
- King County has the highest percent of sidewalk completeness (73%), followed by Snohomish (51%), Pierce (41%), and Kitsap (26%).
- Half of all census tracts in the region have a sidewalk completeness share of 88% or greater.
- Each county in the region has tracts with 100% sidewalk completeness and tracts with 0% sidewalk completeness.
Sidewalk Completeness Now
Source(s): Puget Sound Regional Council, Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities, 2022; U.S. Census Bureau, 2016-2020 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates, Tables B02001, C17002, B22010, B11005, B11007, C16002
Note 1: Horizontal axis (low, medium, high) denotes concentrations of each community. See, "How is equity measured?" for more information.
Note 2: For Households with Limited English Proficiency, the low and low medium categories have the same value in Kitsap and Pierce counties. There are more census tracts in those places estimated to have 0 households with limited English proficiency than the number of tracts in the low quintile category. The values for the low and low medium categories were averaged.
Insights & Analysis
- For communities with high concentrations of people with a disability, sidewalk completeness along arterial road segments is highest in King County (64%) and lowest in Kitsap County (24%).
- Communities with high concentrations of households with older adults have a sidewalk completeness share above the regional average in King County (59%), but below the regional average in Kitsap (27%), Pierce (30%), and Snohomish (40%).
- Snohomish County is the only county in the region where communities with high concentrations of households with youth have a sidewalk completeness share (59%) greater than communities with low concentrations (51%).
- The share of sidewalk completeness for communities in the region with high concentrations of people with a disability (48%) is lower than the share for communities with low concentrations (70%).
- The share of sidewalk completeness for communities in the region with high concentrations of households with older adults (44%) is lower than the share for communities with low concentrations (76%).
- The share of sidewalk completeness for communities in the region with high concentrations of households with youth (54%) is lower than the share for communities with low concentrations (74%).