PSRC reviews and certifies local plans and policies to advance shared regional goals. Our plan review program provides regional coordination and addresses state planning requirements. Review of local plans and policies ensure consistency with VISION 2050 and further regional collaboration.
Comprehensive Plans
State law requires PSRC to certify local comprehensive plans for consistency with VISION 2050, the Regional Transportation Plan, and transportation-related planning requirements. Jurisdictions must have a certified or conditionally-certified plan to be eligible to compete for regional transportation funds. Jurisdictions must update comprehensive plans by December 2024. The certification reports linked below are from the last periodic updates (2015/2016) and may be helpful for future plan updates.
- An asterisk (*) after the city name denotes plan is conditionally certified.
- A plus sign (+) after the city name denotes the plan is not certified.
Jurisdictions that are conditionally certified are eligible to apply for regional funding and may proceed with projects submitted into the Regional Transportation Improvement Program, provided that they follow the required conditions of approval. Plans that are conditionally certified meet a majority of planning requirements for consistency with the multicounty planning policies, the regional transportation plan, and the Growth Management Act; and require limited additional work in order to be in full conformity with criteria for certification.
Countywide Planning Policies
State law requires counties and cities to work together and prepare countywide planning policies. PSRC is required under state law to review and certify countywide planning policies.
Regional Center Plans
VISION 2050 and the Regional Centers Framework require all regional centers to adopt subarea plans. Plans adopted in recent years have been reviewed and certified by PSRC (see reports below). All center plans must fully meet certification requirements by 2025. Some jurisdictions with regional centers have completed local planning work but continue to work with PSRC staff to ensure all regional certification requirements are met.
Sound Transit Conformity Report
State law requires that PSRC review Sound Transit’s long-range plans for conformity with VISION 2050, the region’s long-range plan and equitable transit-oriented development strategy, and the Regional Transportation Plan.
View the Plan Review Manual for details on the policy and plan review and certification process. The manual, including guidance and checklists, is in the process of being updated to be consistent with VISION 2050.