Specialized transportation serves older adults, people with disabilities, people with low incomes, youth, and other people with mobility and accessibility needs. Specialized transportation, such as ADA paratransit, demand-response vans, or volunteer transportation programs, fills gaps in the regional transit network and expands mobility options for people in the region.
2025-2027 WSDOT Consolidated Grant
The goal of the Consolidated Grant is to improve transportation for people with mobility and accessibility needs. Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) released the call for projects for the 2025-2027 biennium in June 2024 (for projects starting from July 1, 2025, through June 30, 2027). Please see the WSDOT Consolidated Grant website for details.
PSRC Regional Priority Ranking Process for Consolidated Grant
PSRC provides regional priorities for specialized transportation projects seeking WSDOT Consolidated Grant funds in King, Pierce, and Snohomish counties. Kitsap County participates in the WSDOT Consolidated Grant regional ranking process through the Peninsula RTPO.

The application deadline for the 2025-2027 biennium was on September 17th, 2024.
Applications for the PSRC Region
The call for project materials for the 2027-2029 biennium will be released in the summer of 2026.
Projects Approved for the 2025-2027 Consolidated Grant Regional Priority Rankings
On January 23, 2025, PSRC’s Executive Board approved twenty-four regional priority rankings. PSRC submitted the board-approved rankings to WSDOT for the statewide evaluation process. WSDOT will announce the final funding awards in the spring of 2025. For more information, please visit the WSDOT Consolidated Grant website or contact the WSDOT Community Transportation Planners below:
- King and Pierce Counties: Matthew Cramer
- Snohomish County: Katie Stanford
2025 - 2027 Final Regional Priority Rankings
Specialized Transportation Planning in the Region
The Coordinated Mobility and Accessibility Committee advises the Transit Operators Committee on specialized transportation funding, including updates to the region’s Coordinated Mobility Plan (Coordinated Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan) and prioritization of projects in the region for funding through the WSDOT Consolidated Grant competition.
Active local coalitions with county-specific plans and needs assessments include the King County Mobility Coalition, the Pierce County Coordinated Transportation Coalition and the Snohomish County Transportation Coalition.