Pedestrian and Bicycle Planning

VISION 2050 and the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) call for promoting and improving pedestrian and bicycle transportation networks to support an accessible and sustainable regional transportation system. PSRC is working with communities throughout the region to plan for and implement effective pedestrian and bicycle projects and programs. 

The central Puget Sound region’s sidewalks, bicycle and shared use facilities provide vital connections for accessing transit and other local and regional destinations. Pedestrian and bicycle planning efforts at PSRC focus on ensuring equitable access to a safe and well-connected active transportation network as the region grows.

The Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee provides input to PSRC staff, policy boards, and other advisory committees on a variety of pedestrian and bicycle-related planning issues. 

Regional Pedestrian and Bicycle Data

Over the past few years, PSRC has worked to build comprehensive and consistent regional pedestrian and bicycle data inventories, including information on facility locations, travel patterns and infrastructure policies and regulations. Further details on this work can be found in RTP Appendix A: Transportation System Inventory. The regional pedestrian and bicycle facilities inventory provides information on sidewalk and bicycle facilities on arterials and shared use paths in the region. This data can be viewed using PSRC’s Transportation System Visualization Tool and downloaded through the PSRC Data Portal.
