Housing and equity on the agenda for growth board

On September 2, the Growth Management Policy Board will be asked to recommend that the Executive Board approve the Administrative Procedures for Regional Centers. The administrative procedures clarify expectations for new and existing regional centers and implement the Regional Centers Framework and VISION 2050.

Also on the agenda:

  • Public comments recently concluded on the draft Regional Housing Strategy. PSRC staff will guide the board through the comments and potential revisions to the draft strategy. The board will be asked to review changes and make a recommendation to the Executive Board at its October meeting.
  • Staff will brief the board on regional equity work, which has included providing learning opportunities for board members and developing the Equity Advisory Committee. The board will also be asked to reflect on the recent joint board workshop led by Glenn Harris, who serves as President of Race Forward, and to share their thoughts on the development of the equity strategy.

View the full agenda or watch the meeting live on Thursday, September 2 at 10 am. You can listen by phone at 1-888-475-4499, Meeting ID: 824 0942 5759, Passcode: 846973.

To make a public comment during the meeting, register here. Comments may also be emailed to kmitchell@psrc.org up to one hour before the meeting.