Pierce Transit's Board of Commissioners has named Mike Griffus as its Chief Executive Officer.
“I am honored and humbled to have the opportunity to serve as Pierce Transit’s CEO,” said Griffus in a Pierce Transit press release. “While the agency is doing a great job serving our community with the resources at hand, there are still many opportunities to improve and expand mobility options for the people of Pierce County. I look forward to partnering with our talented employees and community partners on that important work in the weeks, months and years ahead.”
Griffus had been serving as Pierce Transit’s Chief Operating Officer since 2016, where he directly managed about 80 percent of the agency’s employees, including its 500 bus operators. Griffus oversaw and managed daily agency operations, including bus and paratransit services, system support and emergency services. He also negotiated the contracts for Pierce Transit to operate Sound Transit’s express bus service, which accounts for more than 40 percent of the agency’s bus operator positions.
Pierce Transit is a member of the Puget Sound Regional Council. PSRC is working closely with its membership to update the Regional Transportation Plan to extend its planning horizon to 2050 and support the region’s VISION 2050 growth strategy to focus more housing and jobs near transit.