The draft Regional Housing Strategy is now available for public review and comment. The public comment period will run from Monday, July 12 through Friday, August 13 at 5 p.m.
Recognizing that housing access, affordability, and choice are regional issues that do not stop at a jurisdiction’s borders, VISION 2050, the region’s long-range plan for growth, calls for a coordinated regional housing strategy.
In addition to addressing existing gaps and needs, VISION 2050 identifies the need for more housing of all types to meet the needs of the region out to 2050.
The Regional Housing Strategy is a “playbook” of regional and local actions to preserve, improve, and expand housing stock in the region. The aim is to make a range of affordable, accessible, healthy, and safe housing choices available to every resident and to promote fair and equal access to housing for all people. The Regional Housing Strategy will help guide and support upcoming local comprehensive plan updates.
View the draft Regional Housing Strategy.
Comment on the strategy
- Comment online
- Email:
- U.S. mail: ATTN: Regional Housing Strategy, 1011 Western Ave., Ste, 500, Seattle, WA 98104
- Fax: ATTN: Regional Housing Strategy, 206-587-4825