Board to be asked to release draft Regional Housing Strategy

On July 1, the Growth Management Policy Board will be asked to direct staff to release the draft Regional Housing Strategy for public comment.

The Regional Housing Strategy is intended to serve as a playbook of regional and local actions that move the region towards its goals of preserving, improving, and expanding housing for all people and affordability ranges. The release of the draft strategy will allow PSRC staff to engage and seek feedback on housing goals and actions from local jurisdictions, housing authorities, community-based partners, and the public.

PSRC staff will also update the board on the stormwater parks project prior to publishing an offer for technical assistance. The development of stormwater parks is one strategy for improving the health of the Puget Sound. PSRC was recently awarded $200,000 by Puget Sound Partnership and the Environmental Protection Agency to catalyze the development of new parks. Staff from Kitsap County will also share their experience with developing Manchester Park and other stormwater parks.

Also on the agenda:

  • City of Black Diamond's request to extend conditional certification of comprehensive plan

View the full agenda or watch the meeting live at 10 am on Thursday. Or listen by phone at 1-888-475-4499, Meeting ID: 979 7583 1772, Passcode: 291075.

Register here  to make a public comment during the meeting or send an email comment to up to one hour before the meeting.