The Growth Management Policy Board has a packed agenda for its May 6 meeting. Board members will be asked to provide input on draft strategy goals and actions related to stability and subsidy in the Regional Housing Strategy. The purpose of the Regional Housing Strategy is to provide regional goals for addressing housing needs and access while providing options for localized actions tailored to community needs.
The board will also be asked to approve an updated charter for the Regional Transit-Oriented Development Advisory Committee (RTODAC). RTODAC serves as an advisory committee to the Growth Management Policy Board, and the adoption of VISION 2050 provides an opportunity to restructure the committee to better support the plan and regional TOD work.
The board will also receive updates on:
- School siting briefing paper
- Equity Advisory Committee
- Countywide Planning Policies
View the full agenda or watch the meeting live on Thursday, May 6 at 10 am. You can also listen by phone at 888-475-4499 and enter Meeting ID: 951 8773 9252 and Passcode: 806144.
Register to make a public comment via Zoom or phone, or email your comment to up to one hour before the meeting.