PSRC is seeking feedback on potential passenger-only ferry routes and criteria to consider when evaluating possible new routes.
Please take a short survey on these topics. Materials include a map with routes identified by previous studies and possible evaluation criteria. Respondents also will have an opportunity to suggest other routes for consideration.
The Puget Sound Passenger-Only Ferry Study will be shaped by participants' responses. Please share this survey widely with anyone who may be interested.
The survey will be open until Thursday, June 4, 2020.
The survey will inform the routes and terminals that will be analyzed as well as evaluation criteria to use in evaluating those routes and terminals. Evaluation criteria will be used to analyze which passenger-only ferry routes are near-term opportunities and which are longer-term opportunities. Five near-term passenger-only ferry routes will be carried forward for further analysis.
The analysis, survey results, evaluation criteria and five routes to be carried forward for further analysis will be shared in a virtual meeting sometime this summer.
Take the survey