Kenmore wins VISION 2040 Award

The City of Kenmore has won a 2019 VISION 2040 Award from the Puget Sound Regional Council for its downtown creation project. The awards recognize innovative projects and programs that help ensure a sustainable future as the region grows.

"The Kenmore Downtown Creation Project is a successful strategic process to create a viable city center,” said Josh Brown, Executive Director of PSRC. "They drew significant private investment, created desirable housing, developed important community space and attracted destination businesses."

The award was presented at Kenmore City Council on September 9, 2019.

The City of Kenmore purchased nearly 10 acres of downtown property and worked to create a village consistent with the city’s visioning process and comprehensive planning. Through public private partnerships the site features mixed rate housing, medical and dental facilities, a town square, commercial buildings, restaurants and park space. Kenmore’s downtown is now home to Kenmore Camera, the Seaplane Kitchen and Bar, the Flyway and the City’s very popular Hangar community building, a year-round public gathering place.