Data Request Terms

PSRC welcomes requests for data, maps, and analysis in formats other than what is available through our standard data products. Please read through our terms of request and use to understand what custom data and services we are able to provide. The form is intended to ensure timely follow-up on requests and to allow us to better understand member data needs. Please contact Carol Naito with any questions.

What We Provide

  1. Requests for custom data products and analysis are to be submitted in writing through the online Data Request Form.
  2. Custom data requests will be accepted as staffing availability and agency priorities permit. Members’ requests have priority over non-members. 
  3. Members may receive most custom data requests free as a membership service. Large custom data requests will be arranged and paid for under a separate contract. 
  4. Non-members may need to reimburse PSRC for the costs of custom data preparation, unless the request is being made on behalf of a member.
  5. We request that data users credit the Puget Sound Regional Council and/or other data sources as appropriate.
  6. All data requests will be answered in accordance with state and federal laws.

PSRC Data Terms of Use

PSRC data are developed and analyzed at a level of detail commensurate with our planning mandates and responsibilities. PSRC makes no warranties, expressed or implied, of the accuracy of results or analysis derived from projects or studies utilizing PSRC data that are not conducted or sponsored by PSRC. PSRC staff are available to advise users of data limitations. However, final determination as to the appropriate use of the data must be made entirely by the user, firm or agency undertaking the project or study.