Equity Tracker


The region aims to have a prospering and sustainable regional economy by supporting businesses and job creation, investing in all people and their health, sustaining environmental quality, and creating great central places, diverse communities, and high quality of life.

Economic success is an important contributor to quality of life. Education and access to good paying jobs provide a foundation for economic opportunities, but these opportunities are not as accessible to some of the region’s residents based upon race or geographic location.

Educational attainment and access to living wage jobs are key contributing factors to an individual’s success. Inequities in these areas are interrelated with educational success contributing to higher incomes and home ownership, which have an impact on generational wealth. Examining these measures highlight demographic and geographic inequities in the region.

Drivers of Inequity

Mirroring national trends, the regional economy is increasingly polarized between high-wage, knowledge-economy jobs and low-wage service sector jobs. High-wage workers are seeing tremendous income gains while low-wage workers’ wages have stagnated or declined. The middle-wage jobs that have typically served as stepping stones into the middle class for workers without college degrees are disappearing. Historic racial and gender inequities have driven who in the region has benefited from higher wage jobs and who has been negatively impacted by stagnant wages and lack of middle-wage opportunities.

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