Acronyms and abbreviations found on PSRC's website:
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | ZA
AADT - Annual Average Daily Traffic
AASHTO - American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
ACS - American Community Survey
ADA - Americans with Disabilities Act
ADT - Average Daily Traffic
AMI - Area Median Income
AMPO - Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations
APTA - American Public Transit Association
AQ - Air Quality
ARRA - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
ATA - American Trucking Association
AWC - Association of Washington Cities
BCA - Benefit-Cost Analysis
BEA - Bureau of Economic Analysis (U.S.)
BETI - Building Efficiency Testing and Integration
BIA - Bureau of Indian Affairs (U.S.)
BIL - Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (also referred to as Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act [IIJA])
BLS - Bureau of Labor Statistics (U.S.)
BNSF - Burlington Northern Santa Fe
BPAC - Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee
BR - Bridge Replacement or Rehabilitation
BRT - Bus Rapid Transit
BTS - Bureau of Transportation Statistics (U.S.)
CBD - Central Business District
CDP - Census-Designated Place
CEDS - Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy
CFR - Code of Federal Regulations
CMAQ - Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality
CMP - Congestion Management Process
CMS - Congestion Management Systems
CMSA - Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area
CPI - Consumer Price Index
CPP - Countywide Planning Policy
CPSEDDB - Central Puget Sound Economic Development District Board
CRA - Congestion Relief Analysis
CRAB - County Road Administration Board
CT - Community Transit
CTPP - Census Transportation Planning Products
CTR - Commute Trip Reduction
DBE - Disadvantaged Business Enterprise
DEIS - Draft Environmental Impact Statement
DNS - Determination of Nonsignificance
DOD - Department of Defense (U.S.)
DOE - Department of Ecology (WA State)
DOH - Department of Health (WA State)
DOT - Department of Transportation (U.S.)
EA - Environmental Assessment
EDA - Economic Development Administration
EDC - Economic Development Council
EDD - Economic Development District
EIS - Environmental Impact Statement
EJ - Environmental Justice
EPA - Environmental Protection Agency (U.S.)
ESA - Endangered Species Act
ESD - Employment Security Department
ETP - Eastside Transportation Partnership
EV - Electric Vehicle
FAA - Federal Aviation Administration (U.S.)
FAST - Freight Action Strategy
FAZ - Forecast Analysis Zone
FEIS - Final Environmental Impact Statement
FHLP - Federal Highway Lands Program
FHWA - Federal Highway Administration (U.S.)
FMSIB - Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board
FONSI - Finding of No Significant Impact
FRA - Federal Railroad Administration (U.S.)
FTA - Federal Transit Administration (U.S.)
FTE - Full Time Equivalent
FY - Fiscal Year
GIS - Geographic Information Systems
GMA - Growth Management Act
GMPB - Growth Management Policy Board
GPS - Global Positioning System
GTC - Growing Transit Communities
HCT - High-Capacity Transit
HOT - High-Occupancy Toll
HOV - High-Occupancy Vehicle
HPMS - Highway Performance Monitoring System
HSS - Highways of Statewide Significance
IIJA - Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act (also referred to as Bipartisan Infrastructure Law [BIL])
ISTEA - Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991
ITE - Institute of Transportation Engineers
ITS - Intelligent Transportation Systems
JARC - Job Access & Reverse Commute (FTA program)
LCP - Least Cost Planning
LIDAR - LIght Distance And Ranging
LOS - Level of Service
LRT - Light Rail Transit
LTR - Local Targets Representation
LUTAC - Land Use Technical Advisory Committee
MAB - Metropolitan Area Boundary
MAP-21 - Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century
MOA - Memorandum of Agreement
MOU - Memorandum of Understanding
MPO - Metropolitan Planning Organization
MPP - Multi-County Planning Policy
MRSC - Municipal Research and Services Center
MSA - Metropolitan Statistical Area
MTP - Metropolitan Transportation Plan
MTS - Metropolitan Transportation System
MVET - Motor Vehicle Excise Tax
NAAQS - National Ambient Air Quality Standards
NARC - National Association of Regional Councils
NCHRP - National Cooperative Highway Research Program
NEPA - National Environmental Policy Act
NHS - National Highway System
O-D - Origin-Destination (survey or zone)
OFM - Office of Financial Management (Washington State)
OTM - Office of Transit Mobility (WSDOT)
PL - Public Law
PSCAA - Puget Sound Clean Air Agency
PSCOG - Puget Sound Council of Governments (1975-1991)
PSGC - Puget Sound Governmental Conference (1957-1975)
PSRC - Puget Sound Regional Council
PTBA - Public Transportation Benefit Area
RASP - Regional Airport System Plan
RCW - Revised Code of Washington
RES - Regional Economic Strategy
RFP - Request for Proposal
RFQ - Request for Qualifications
RPEC - Regional Project Evaluation Committee
ROD - Record of Decision
RSC - Regional Staff Committee
RTA - Regional Transit Authority
RTF - Regional Technical Forum
RTP - Regional Transportation Plan
RTPO - Regional Transportation Planning Organization
RW or ROW - Right-of-Way
SAFETEA-LU - Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users
SCATBd - South County Area Transportation Board (King County)
SEIS - Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement
SEPA - State Environmental Policy Act
SIP - State Implementation Plan
SMSA - Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area
SOV - Single Occupant Vehicle
SRTS - Safe Routes to School
ST - Sound Transit
STIP - State Transportation Improvement Program
STP - Surface Transportation Program
TAZ - Transportation Analysis Zone
TCM - Transportation Control Measures
TCRP - Transit Cooperative Research Program
TDA - Trade Development Alliance
TDM - Transportation Demand Management
TDS - Transportation Demand Strategies
TEA-21 - Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century
TIB - Transportation Improvement Board
TIFIA - Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act
TIP - Transportation Improvement Program
TMA - Transportation Management Areas
TOC - Transportation Operators Committee
TOD - Transit-Oriented Development
TPB - Transportation Policy Board
TRAC - Washington State Transportation Center
TRB - Transportation Research Board
TSM - Transportation System Management
UGA - Urban Growth Area
UPWP - Unified Planning Work Program
USC - United States Code
USDOT - United States Department of Transportation
UZA - Urbanized Area
V2050 - VISION 2050
VMT - Vehicle Miles Traveled
WAC - Washington Administrative Code
WSAC - Washington State Association of Counties
WSDOT - Washington State Department of Transportation
WSF - Washington State Ferries
WTP - Washington Transportation Plan
YTD - Year to Date