Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) can create and sustain compact and walkable communities that provide access to opportunities around high-capacity transit.
Creating and Sustaining Thriving Transit Communities

VISION 2050, the region’s long-range plan for growth, focuses greater amounts of growth within regional growth centers and high-capacity transit station areas. The Regional Growth Strategy has an ambitious goal of attracting 65% of population growth and 75% of employment growth to the region’s growth centers and high-capacity transit station areas, leveraging unprecedented investments to expand public transit throughout the region.
High-capacity transit station areas are areas within ½ a mile of existing or planned light rail and streetcar stations, commuter rail stations, ferry terminals, and within ¼ mile of all bus rapid transit stations.
Regional growth centers are mixed-use centers formally designated by PSRC that includes housing, employment, retail and entertainment uses.
The Regional Transit-Oriented Development Committee advances a broad, multi-stakeholder coalition to support equitable transit-oriented development and the region’s adopted growth strategy. The committee advises the Growth Management Policy Board and meets quarterly.
On a biennial basis, PSRC hosts a TOD focused event. Elected officials and staff from across the region are invited to attend.
PSRC also publishes a newsletter focused on regional TOD news. Sign-up to receive Talkin' TOD, PSRC's TOD newsletter.
Upcoming TOD webinar
On November 1, PSRC will be hosting the next TOOLBOX Series webinar, Preventing Commercial Displacement Near Transit.
Small and locally-owned businesses face risk of displacement as communities grow and change. Rising land values, population and job growth, and major investments can contribute to challenges for commercial affordability and displacement of local businesses. In this webinar, presenters will explore research and best practices to avoid commercial displacement. One AICP CM credit will be available for those who participate live via Zoom.