Industrial Lands

Industrial lands are essential to the region's economy and support many of its biggest industries. With advancements in technology, changes in demographics, and impacts of climate of change, proactively planning for the region's industrial lands is key to ensuring that they continue to serve the needs of the region's residents and businesses.

In 2024, PSRC released an update to the regional Industrial Lands Analysis that was published in 2015. The 2015 analysis included an assessment of economic activity on industrial lands in the central Puget Sound region, including analysis of industry forecasts and the region's ability to accommodate economic growth on industrial lands.

VISION 2050 and the 2022 Regional Economic Strategy called for an update to the Industrial Lands Analysis, calling for PSRC to update the regional inventory, evaluate supply and demand for industrial lands, and identify trends impacting the region's industrial lands and activities. The finalized report was released in August 2024.

2024 Industrial Lands Analysis Update