The Low-Income Housing Institute, University District Food Bank, YouthCare, Runberg Architecture Group, BNBuilders, Susan Black and Associates, the Washington State Housing Trust Fund and the City of Seattle have won a 2018 VISION 2040 Award for the Marion West development. The awards recognize innovative projects and programs that help ensure a sustainable future as the region grows.
“This partnership envisioned a community with amenities that meet the needs of struggling groups of people,” said Josh Brown, Executive Director of PSRC, “and built that facility with the right mix of apartments, community space, food security, job training and more.”
The Marion West is a mixed-use housing development that provides housing and job training for formerly homeless young adults, workforce housing for people making 40 to 60 percent of the area median income, and a food bank that is growing fresh produce on the roof.
VISION 2040 is the region's growth management, economic, and transportation strategy, designed to meet the needs of the 5 million people expected to be living in the region in 2040. It is an integrated, long-range vision for the future that lays out a strategy for maintaining a healthy region - promoting the well-being of people and communities, economic vitality, and a healthy environment.