Environmental review documents for the Regional Transportation Plan.
Download Environmental Review Documents
- Transmittal Letter, Fact Sheet, Table of Contents, and Acronyms & Abbreviations (PDF)
- Chapter 1: Executive Summary (PDF)
- Chapter 2: Introduction and Background (PDF)
- Chapter 3: Plan Alternatives (PDF)
- Chapter 4: Transportation (PDF)
- Chapter 5: Land Use, Population, Employment, and Housing (PDF)
- Chapter 6: Air Quality and Climate Change (PDF)
- Chapter 7: Noise (PDF)
- Chapter 8: Visual and Aesthetic Resources (PDF)
- Chapter 9: Water Quality and Hydrology (PDF)
- Chapter 10: Ecosystems and Endangered Species Act Issues (PDF)
- Chapter 11: Energy (PDF)
- Chapter 12: Earth (PDF)
- Chapter 13: Environmental Health (PDF)
- Chapter 14: Public Services and Utilities (PDF)
- Chapter 15: Parks and Recreation (PDF)
- Chapter 16: Historic and Cultural Resources (PDF)
- Chapter 17: Environmental Justice (PDF)
- Chapter 18: Human Health (PDF)
- Lists of Appendices, Preparers, References, and Distribution (PDF)
Appendix A: Transportation 2040 Alternatives Report (PDF)
Appendix B: Regional Trends and Forecasts (PDF)
Appendix C: VISION 2040’s Multicounty Planning Policies (PDF)
Appendix D: Policy Analysis and Evaluation Criteria Report (PDF)
Appendix E: Technical Description of the Modeling Framework (PDF)
Appendix F: Public Scoping Process (PDF)
Appendix G: List of Endangered, Threatened, and Sensitive Wildlife Species and their Habitats (PDF)
Appendix H: List of Rare Plants (PDF)
Appendix I: Transportation 2040 Alternatives Analysis Congestion Management Process Report (PDF)
Appendix J: Environmental Resource Agency Consultation (PDF)
Appendix K: Data Analysis and Forecasting at the PSRC (PDF)
Appendix L: Greenhouse Gas 4-Part Strategy (PDF)
Appendix M: Environmental Justice Public Outreach Summary Report (PDF)
State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Information
Since production of the Final Environmental Impact Statement document, nonmotorized investments within a defined buffer area of transit stations (1 mile for pedestrian projects, and 3 miles for bicycle projects) have been moved into the financially constrained Preferred Alternative, from the unprogrammed portion of the Preferred Alternative. This modification does not change the environmental analysis. The FEIS was conducted on the full Preferred Alternative, consisting of both constrained, and unprogrammed projects and investments. Also, the project list has been edited to remove projects that have been completed.
Read the Puget Sound Regional Council's SEPA Procedures.