Time: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Date: April 30, 2021
End Date: April 30, 2021
Location: Remote Only
Related Project: TOOLBOX Series
Description: Regional planning agencies make decisions that shape transportation, land use, and the built environment. The Puget Sound Regional Council is in the midst of updating the Regional Transportation Plan, and is working to bring agencies together to hear how they’re using transportation planning to advance equity in their communities.
Speakers: Charles Patton, PhD, Puget Sound Regional Council; Elizabeth Scott, Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning; Courtney Aguirre, Southern California Agency for Planning; Kim Ellis, Joe Gordon, Sebrina Owens-Wilson, Jeffrey Raker, Metro, Portland, Oregon
Moderator: Anita Whitfield, Chief Equity and Inclusion Officer, King County, WA