Projects recommended to receive $5 million in Rural Town Centers and Corridors funding will be the primary focus of the upcoming Transportation Policy Board meeting.
The board will review public comments received to date and make its recommendation to the Executive Board, which meets on September 26.
The projects recommended for funding are:
- Poulsbo Complete Streets Plan, Planning, $215,000. A study of street, sidewalk, parking, landscape and transit improvements.
- Kitsap County SR 104 Realignment, Right of Way, $1,400,000. An effort to realign ferry traffic in Kingston by adding lanes on NE 1st Street and removing lanes on Main Street.
- Skykomish US 2 Street Roundabout Design, Preliminary Engineering /Design, $259,500. This project will design a three-legged roundabout with splitter islands at the intersection of 5th Street and US 2 and include pedestrian facilities.
- Stanwood Viking Way Phase 2, PE/D and ROW $432,500. This project will provide design and right of way to extend Viking Way 200 feet to 92nd Avenue NW with a complete street.
- Carnation Tolt Ave CBD Improvements, Construction, $450,000. This project constructs transportation and street improvements in Carnation's downtown.
- Eatonville SR 161/Washington Ave N. Corridor Streetscape Phase 2, Construction, $2,145,200. Improvements include new sidewalks with ADA compliant curb ramps, lighting, stormwater drainage, landscaping, and a rapid rectangular flashing beacon system at the intersection of SR 161 and Carter Street E.
- Roy Yelm Prairie Line Trail, Planning, $45,000. A planning study to examine alignments of a shared use path from downtown Roy to the Nisqually River to connect Roy to the City of Yelm.
This recommendation also includes a prioritized contingency list of projects should additional funds become available prior to the next project selection process.
The board will also be briefed on the Tacoma/Pierce County I-5 HOV Program and the Regional Intelligent Transportation Systems Inventory.
View the full agenda or watch the meeting live on Thursday, September 12 at 9:30am.