CONTACT: Kelly McGourty 206-971-3601 or
SEATTLE – The Puget Sound Regional Council is seeking public comment on projects recommended to receive approximately $32 million for transit and ferry improvements in King, Pierce and Snohomish counties, and approximately $3 million to fund road improvements in North Bend, Orting, Snohomish and Stanwood.
The public comment period on the recommended list of projects from both processes will run from May 11 to June 22, 2017. Public comments received will be reported to the Transportation Policy Board at its meeting on June 8, at which time the board will make a final recommendation to the Executive Board. The Executive Board is scheduled to approve the project recommendations on June 22.
The PSRC’s regional competition for Federal Transit Administration funding targets a limited number of high priority regional transit projects that support centers and connecting corridors. The recommendation includes a prioritized contingency list of projects should additional funds become available prior to the next project selection process.
Eight projects are recommended for funding, they are:
- Community Transit Swift BRT Orange Line Project Development, preliminary engineering and design, $ 5,000,000
- Sound Transit Sounder Vehicle Procurement, $ 7,800,000
- Sound Transit Purchase 4 New High Capacity Transit Buses, $ 3,000,000
- King County/ Metro Service Expansion Battery Electric Bus Service $ 6,464,000
- City of Seattle Rainier Rapid Ride Corridor, PE/Design, $ 3,000,000
- King County/ Metro King County Metro System Expansion: Eighth Base, Planning, $ 1,601,335
- Washington State Ferries Seattle Multimodal Terminal at Colman Dock - Pedestrian Overhead Loading, Construction, $ 4,000,000
- Pierce Transit Corridor Improvements for Transit Speed & Reliability, preliminary engineering and design, $ 1,440,000
PSRC's Rural Town Centers and Corridors Program uses Federal Highway Administration funds for projects in smaller towns and cities in rural areas of the region. This recommendation also includes a prioritized contingency list of projects should additional funds become available prior to the next project selection process.
Four projects are recommended for funding, they are:
- City of North Bend North Bend Way/Park Street Roundabout , Construction, $ 1,000,000
- City of Stanwood 90th Avenue Extension, Construction, $ 1,437,750
- City of Orting Whitehawk Boulevard Extension, PE/Design, $ 346,000
- City of Snohomish Bickford & Weaver Intersection Improvements, PE/Design, $ 216,250
How to make a comment:
Mail: Puget Sound Regional Council
ATTN: Kelly McGourty
1011 Western Avenue, Suite 500
Seattle, Washington 98104-1035
In Person: June 8 at 9:30 a.m. or June 22 at 10 a.m. at PSRC offices, 1011 Western Avenue, Suite 500, Seattle.
PSRC develops policies and coordinates decisions about regional growth, transportation and economic development planning within King, Pierce, Snohomish and Kitsap counties. The Council is composed of over 80 entities, including all four counties, cities and towns, ports, state and local transportation agencies and Tribal governments within the region.
Title VI Notice: PSRC fully complies with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related statutes and regulations in all programs and activities. For more information, or to obtain a Title VI Complaint Form, call 206-587-4819.
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