PSRC seeking public comment on special needs transportation projects

Contact: Gil Cerise, 206-971-3053 or

SEATTLE -   The Puget Sound Regional Council is inviting public comment on special needs transportation projects recommended for funding.

The projects will become eligible to receive funding through PSRC's Coordinated Grant Program and the Washington State Department of Transportation's Consolidated Grant Program.

Special needs projects provide transportation services to seniors, people with disabilities, and others who have mobility challenges due to age or income to help them get to medical appointments, educational opportunities, jobs, shopping and social interactions.

The list includes 14 projects recommended to receive $4.2 million in funding. There are also 20 project recommended to receive regional priority rankings for the statewide WSDOT Consolidated Grant competition.  Final decision on awards for projects on the list will be determined after WSDOT Consolidated Grant awards in the spring of 2017.

Example projects and the amounts recommended include:

  • Mobility Management King County, Hopelink, $513,056
  • Beyond the Borders, Pierce County Community Connections, $989,262
  • Sustain Community Shuttles for Seniors and People with Disabilities in King County, City of Seattle Aging and Disability Services Division, $490,911

The public review and comment period will run until January 26, 2017, when PSRC's Executive Board is scheduled to recommend the projects for funding.

PSRC develops policies and coordinates decisions about regional growth, transportation and economic development planning within King, Pierce, Snohomish and Kitsap counties. The Council is composed of over 80 entities, including all four counties, cities and towns, ports, state and local transportation agencies, and Tribal governments within the region.  

How to make a comment: Mail: Puget Sound Regional Council
ATTN: Gil Cerise
1011 Western Avenue, Suite 500
Seattle, Washington 98104-1035
In Person: January 12 at 9:30 a.m. or January 26 at 10 a.m. at PSRC, 1011 Western Avenue, Suite 500, Seattle 98104 

This public notice of public involvement activities and time established for public review and comments on the TIP development process will satisfy the Federal Transit Administration's Program of Projects requirements.  

Title VI Notice: PSRC fully complies with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related statutes and regulations in all programs and activities. For more information, or to obtain a Title VI Complaint Form, call 206-587-4819.   

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