PSRC Seeking Public Comment on the Draft Regional Transportation Plan

Contact: Kelly McGourty at or 206-971-3601

SEATTLE –  The Puget Sound Regional Council has released a new draft Regional Transportation Plan for public comment.  The draft plan describes how the region is planning to catch up and keep up on transportation over the next two decades, while the region’s population is expected to swell to nearly five million people. PSRC is encouraging public comment on the draft plan through January 31, 2018.

“This is the first regional plan than describes the projects and programs the region is counting on to catch up on transportation over the next decades.  It includes the most aggressive investments in infrastructure in the region’s history,” says Seattle Councilmember Rob Johnson, Chair of the region’s Transportation Policy Board. “It also shows how we make more progress on addressing climate change and better ensuring equitable access to transportation throughout the region.”

“The plan shows how recent investments are sustaining improvements to state highways and ferries.  It also demonstrates the need to focus more on maintaining and improving city streets and county roads, which are underfunded,” says Becky Erickson, Mayor of Poulsbo and Vice-Chair of the region’s Transportation Policy Board.

The new draft plan is being updated to meet federal requirements to review regional plans every four years.

Features of the draft plan include:

  • A new regional approach to getting ready for autonomous, connected, shared and electric vehicles
  • A first-ever integrated transit plan expected to increase transit boardings from 215 million to over 500 million per year
  • A new approach to potential long-term funding that matches state plans for possible road user charges to replace the fuel tax
  • Plans to meet the needs of the region’s aviation system

The draft Regional Transportation Plan and supporting materials can be viewed here.

How to Make a Comment:
US Mail: Kelly McGourty, PSRC, 1011 Western Avenue, Suite 500, Seattle, WA 98104-1035.
In Person: Transportation Policy Board: 9:30 a.m., January 12, 2018, at PSRC offices.

PSRC will issue an Addendum to the 2010 Transportation 2040 FEIS, per Revised Code of Washington 43.21C and Washington Administrative Code 197-11, in the spring of 2018 to support Executive Board action on the Regional Transportation Plan.

PSRC develops policies and coordinates decisions about regional growth, transportation and economic development planning within King, Pierce, Snohomish and Kitsap counties. The Council is composed of over 80 entities, including all four counties, cities and towns, ports, state and local transportation agencies and Tribal governments within the region.

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