PSRC recently hosted a housing-themed webinar in its Passport to 2044 series focused on racially disparate impacts, where PSRC and partners shared tools and resources planners can use to update their comprehensive plans to align with VISION 2050’s policy framework.
You can watch the webinar here.
Laura Hodgson, senior planner at Washington State Department of Commerce, shared guidance on implementing H.B. 1220, which revises the Revised Code of Washington to address racially disparate impacts, displacement, and exclusion in housing development. Laura Benjamin, principal planner at PSRC, offered information and tools from PSRC addressing displacement and residential racial segregation. And Steven Sawada, Innovations Manager, and Ted Richardson, Affordable Housing Action Strategy Coordinator, at City of Tacoma, presented information on the city’s anti-displacement strategy.
Future Passport webinar topics include climate change, equity, coordination with tribes, and transit-oriented development (TOD). A second housing webinar in early 2023 will focus on housing need and capacity. More information on future workshops and resources is available on the PSRC website. Subscribe to the Comprehensive Planning Newsletter to stay in the loop as the journey continues to update local comprehensive plans.
The next Passport to 2044 webinar on equity will take place via Zoom Nov. 8, 2022 from 10 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Registration is now open!