Contact: Michele Leslie, 206-587-4819,
Oso Recovery Plan Wins VISION 2040 Award
SEATTLE - The Economic Alliance of Snohomish County has won a 2016 VISION 2040 Award from the Puget Sound Regional Council for its North Stillaguamish River Valley 2015 Economic Redevelopment Plan. The awards recognize innovative projects and programs that help ensure a sustainable future as the region grows.
"The Economic Recovery Plan for the communities affected by the Oso landslide is an excellent example of how our region can come together to respond effectively to all stages of disaster relief," said Josh Brown, PSRC's Executive Director. "This plan is helping people rebuild their lives after a natural disaster that took its toll on the local economy as well."
The plan includes action steps and lead organizations to achieve six goals: infrastructure, industry and employment, community and workforce development, resilience and sustainability, placemaking, and rural innovation.
The award will be presented at the Economic Alliance Snohomish County meeting on August 17 at 3:30 PM in Everett. Partners in the work include: City of Arlington, Town of Darrington, Snohomish County, Washington State University, Community Attributes, and Workforce Snohomish.
VISION 2040 is the region's growth management, economic, and transportation strategy, designed to meet the needs of the 5 million people expected to be living in the region in 2040. It is an integrated, long-range vision for the future that lays out a strategy for maintaining a healthy region - promoting the well-being of people and communities, economic vitality, and a healthy environment.
PSRC develops policies and coordinates decisions about regional growth, transportation and economic development planning within King, Pierce, Snohomish and Kitsap counties. The Council is composed of over 80 entities, including all four counties, cities and towns, ports, state and local transportation agencies and Tribal governments within the region.
Title VI Notice: PSRC fully complies with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related statutes and regulations in all programs and activities. For more information, or to obtain a Title VI Complaint Form, call 206-587-4819.
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