Next steps for Regional Housing Strategy

Housing access and affordability are key policy areas in VISION 2050, the region’s long-range plan for growth.

On Thursday, the Growth Management Policy Board will be briefed on key findings from the Regional Housing Needs Assessment, which analyzes conditions, trends, and gaps in the region’s housing stock and demonstrates how local and subregional housing need and supply fit into the regional picture. In addition to building a common understanding of current conditions within the region, the findings of the needs assessment will inform the Regional Housing Strategy.

Following the briefing, the board will break into small groups to discuss the findings and focus areas for the Regional Housing Strategy.

The small group discussions will not be streamed, but the public are invited to listen. Call-in instructions for the public will be provided during the meeting. The breakout sessions will be recorded and video provided after the meeting.

View the full agenda or watch the meeting live at 10 am on Thursday, March 4, 2021.