Ribbon Cutting at Silverdale Transit Center

New Transit Center in Silverdale

Transit around the Puget Sound region is growing and becoming greener this year! On June 24, Kitsap Transit opened its new Silverdale Transit Center on Ridgetop Boulevard next to State Route 303. 

The facility features the region’s first wireless in-ground bus charging for Kitsap Transit’s growing battery-electric bus fleet. Other new infrastructure includes eight bus bays, a bus access ramp, a canopy to shelter riders from the rain, parking, sidewalks, ADA accessible site improvements, bike lanes and a bus driver comfort station. PSRC provided almost $14 million in funding for this project. 

The Silverdale Transit Center is a steppingstone in Kitsap’s growing center which includes hospital expansion, stormwater and corridor improvements. It is located across from the St. Michael’s Medical Center, Ridgetop Middle School and housing developments, making it accessible for transit riders and enhancing access and mobility around Silverdale and Kitsap County.