Local Elected Official Convening: Supporting Reliable and Sustainable Ferry Service for Washington Communities

Special Meeting Notice

Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) is convening a special meeting of local elected officials to discuss the current state of the Washington State Ferry System and funding for vessel construction, electrification and workforce development. Recommendations to the US Congress or Washington State Department of Transportation may be discussed and developed.

Date: Friday, March 14, 2025
Time: 10:00 a.m. to 12 p.m.

The meeting will be held remotely. Members of the public are welcome to watch the meeting online or watch the video feed of the meeting in-person at PSRC's office. 

Watch online: Zoom

Listen by phone: 1-877-853-5257; Meeting ID: 841 2307 5874; Passcode: 974596

Watch in-person at PSRC's office: 1201 Third Avenue, Seattle

Please call 206-464-7090 when you arrive in the building lobby to get access to PSRC's office. A staff person will meet you in the lobby and escort you to the 5th floor.

Please contact Hila Keller with questions at HKeller@psrc.org.