How much housing does the region need?

On November 19, the Growth Management Policy Board will be briefed on current and future housing needs in the region and discuss next steps in the development of the Regional Housing Strategy.

Housing is an important focus of the newly adopted VISION 2050 plan. The region will grow by more than 1.5 million people by the year 2050. Meeting the housing needs of all households at a range of income levels is key to creating a region that is livable for all residents, economically prosperous and environmentally sustainable.

At the meeting, the board will also hear an update on the 2022 Regional Transportation Plan and will take action on a recommendation to certify center plans for Kent and Kirkland.

The meeting will be held virtually on November 19, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. In accordance with the Governor's proclamations 20-25.7 and 20-28.12, the PSRC's offices are closed to the public and no in-person meetings are permitted. You can follow the meeting via live stream at

View the full agenda here.