Housing Costs Hit Differently Across Asian and Pacific Islander Groups

In the central Puget Sound region, securing affordable housing or buying a home remains a struggle. For Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month, PSRC explores the diverse housing experiences and challenges of different AAPI populations in King, Kitsap, Pierce and Snohomish counties . 

While Asians as a whole have a relatively low poverty rate and the highest median income across all racial groups, there is considerable variation based on ethnicity, country of origin, and length of time in the U.S. Lower-income Asian groups—including refugees and immigrants without skills-based visas—are likely to experience housing barriers at levels similar to other less advantaged communities of color. 

The latest Puget Sound Trend examines the housing landscape for Asian and Pacific Islander populations. 

While the renter cost burden for Asians (38%) is notably less than the regional average (48%), the rates vary by more than 30% across populations, with 54% of Korean renters in the central Puget Sound region cost-burdened compared to 21% of Asian Indian renters. 

The same trend is reflected in homeownership rates across AAPI groups. While homeownership for Asian residents (62%) is a little higher than the regional average (61%), the rates vary across populations. There's a 42-point difference between the groups, ranging from 32% for Pacific Islanders to 74% for Japanese homeowners. 

For a more in-depth examination of this data, check out the latest Puget Sound Trend