Clean audit for PSRC

PSRC has received another clean audit result from the Washington State Auditor. The ninth clean audit in a row. In the last 21 years, PSRC has had just one finding.

“PSRC is committed to being an exceptionally well-run public agency,” said Josh Brown, PSRC Executive Director. “We use the annual audit every year to learn, get better and to focus on continual improvement. We’re going to keep it up moving forward.”

“Thank you to the members of the Operations Committee for asking great questions and working with our team to make sure that we are doing what our board and the public expects of our work here. And I can’t thank the hard work of our staff enough. Diana Lauderbach, her team, and our Accounting Manager Lili Mayer went above and beyond being on point with our state auditor’s office.”

The audit covers the Fiscal Year 2020 reports on accountability, financial statements and federal grant compliance for both the Puget Sound Regional Council and Central Puget Sound Economic Development District.

The audits of the Economic Development District have been without findings since the audits were combined with PSRC in fiscal year 2005.