At this time we are only collecting signatures for people who hold an elected office. Please only sign on if you are an elected official.
Dear Senator Hyde-Smith, Senator Gillibrand, Representative Womack and Representative Clyburn:
We are local elected officials from ferry communities across the Puget Sound region in Washington state coming together to call upon our federal lawmakers to make robust investments in federal ferry programs to ensure Washington State Ferries (WSF) has the resources it needs to restore full ferry system service.
Ferries are an essential part of our local communities. They bring tourists to our homegrown small businesses, hotels and restaurants. They transport our residents to life-saving medical appointments. They provide access to family and cultural connections. They get people to and from their jobs.
The Washington state ferry fleet is currently operating at a substantially reduced level of service. Only 15 vessels are running, while WSF relays that 26 vessels are needed to operate at full service and allow for necessary planned maintenance. This drastic reduction in service is resulting in significant impacts on our residents and businesses who rely on ferry service.
We thank the Washington Delegation for their continued support of funding for ferries, including more than $140 million in federal grants received by Washington State Ferries over the last two fiscal years. We appreciate the inclusion of investments in ferries in the FY 2025 appropriations bills and encourage swift passage.
We recommend the following ferry programs be funded at the highest possible level in the FY 2026 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations bill:
- Passenger Ferry Grant Program
- Ferry Service for Rural Communities Program
- Electric or Low-Emitting Ferry Pilot Program
Action must be taken to preserve our marine highway system for our residents, businesses and visitors. Please prioritize funding for ferries and ferry communities in FY 2026 appropriations.